*Formation DM (training course 6jrs) 790€ *Formation Inst (training course 13jrs) 1700€
(Prérequis Rescue, CMAS 3*, ou équiv.) (Prérequis DM, N4, ou équiv.)
*Formation DSD Leader (1jr) 190€ *Formation Inst EFR (1jr) 250€
*Formation DM (Internship de 80 jrs) 500€ *Formation Inst (Internship de 80 jrs) 700€ (Prérequis Rescue, CMAS 3*, ou équiv.) (Prérequis DM, N4, ou équiv.)
With validation of experiences and supervisions dives, *Formation Inst EFR (Internship de 10 jrs)80€
*Formation DSD Leader (Internship 10jr) 100€ *Matériel pédagogique Pack EFRI light 199€ With validation of experiences and supervisions dives, Manuel EFR Instructor
*Matériel pédagogique Crew Pack DM 399€ *Matériel pédagogique Crew Pack IDC 899€
E-learning version 12 languages, E-learning version 12 languages,
Manuel PADI Divemaster (e-learning) Manuel Guide to Teaching (e-learning)
Manuel de l’instructeur PADI (e-learning) Manuel de l’instructeur PADI ((e-learning)
Logbook professionnels Cue-cards OWD Milieu Protégé // Milieu Naturel
Cue-cards du Divemaster Cue-cards de préparation MP // MN // Skills
Cue-cards DSD (Discover Scuba Diving) Cue-cards Adventure In Diving // Rescue // DM
Code d’authentification Sac à Dos PADI Pro
Encyclopédie de la plongée (e-learning) Examens OWD // Rescue // Dive Master (e-learning)
Livret Scuba Tune Up (remise à niveau) Manuel Diving Work Book (e-learning)
Brochure GO PRO
Sticker PADI
For the accommodation contact us,
*Offers TTC by candidate, block and supplied lead, not understanding:
Educational supplies, specific, fresh material PADI, fees of certification, rent of the equipment of restoration and accommodation, Indicative price which can be subject to modification without advance notice,